We are a community of Benedictine monks who share a Christ centered life of work and prayer according to the tradition of the Roman Catholic Church and the Monastic Rule of Saint Benedict.

Request A Vocation Visit

Please complete the form below in order to schedule a vocation visit!

The Vocation team will use the following criteria when interviewing candidates:

  • Baptized, confirmed, and practicing Roman Catholic men. One must be baptized for at least three years before entering into formation.
  • No older than 40 if applying to the Novitiate.
  • A College graduate.
  • Free of psychological or other medical conditions prohibiting one from exercising a full life of ministry.
  • Free from all canonical impediments.
  • Debt free and not financially responsible for the well-being of another.

If you do not meet these requirements, we may redirect you to other resources to further pursue your vocation.